Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lexus LFA 1:!8 autoart

Lexus LF-A

The most expensive Lexus car so far.
LF-A is also the first super car produced by Lexus. Limited for 500.
Although MT magazine said this car was under development, many people still like this car.
Lexus also noticed this issue. Later on, Lexus develop the Nurburging version for this car. And of course, this package costs extra $$.

This is not a car review, so let's check this model car 1:18 from Autoart.

Lexus claimed the exterior design of the LF-A is totally different than other super cars.
What do you think?


The engine of the super car always generate a lot of heat, therefore, the cooling system is very important to the car. The LF-A also has its own cooling system. The cooling ducts are surrounded by the car from front pumper, side to the rear. As you can see, there are mesh structures under the tail light. That's right. It is for cooling purpose.

The other cool designs of the LF-A are rear spoiler and exhaust. The spoiler will be raised when reaching certain speed.


The triangle-like exhaust is also very impressive!

The Autoart is a high-end model car company. They really do a good job on interior as well. If you are a model-car collector, you will notice that most of model cars does not have door windows. But this one has it.
The steering wheel also has two colors just like real car. Even the pedals were painted with aluminum alloy color. 


 I also want to emphasize one part of this model car.
Engine Hood

The engine hood. The model car maker even pays attention to the hood vents as well as the hood stand.

Last thing, I would like to thank a lady who sold this LF-A model car to me on ebay. She is the best ebay seller I know so far. She provided me the best customer service to me ever! Long story short, after I bought this car, I put it in a case and didn't notice this model has a defect on wheel alignment. Therefore, I contacted her after "almost 6 months" and asked her if she could replace one for me. I didn't expect anything from her. But "Yes", she replaced for me even sold to me after 6 months. So I would like to thank her again in my blogger.

Thank for reading!


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