Thursday, January 11, 2024

GR Yaris DAT (Direct Automatic Transmission) at Japan Auto Salon on 1/12/2023 Japan time

I need to post this one. Too exciting news !

One of my dream car - GR Yaris -is  evolved!

1. 300HP!   300 HP   I need to say it again!  300HP

    Question for Toyota is why still two exhausts instead of three?   (GR Corolla has three)

2. Automatic transmission

    Former CEO Akio Toyoda mentioned he could save 0.2 sec every down or up shift. 

3. New display

    Digital this time!

4. New Exterior 

    the front bumper has two large intake for cooling

5. New interior (better view and 25mm lower seats)

6. Additional circuit mode

    it will unlock speed limit if GPS detects in a circuit

7. New cooler system

    For transmission.

Here is the video just released.   US won't get it but it means GR Corolla will have DAT later this year.

**All images from TGR 

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