Thursday, May 23, 2013

Japanese Yen weakens..Time to buy Japanese toys..

10,000 Japanese bill
Yen weakens past 100 per dollar.
This is a very good news if you want to buy cheap Japanese goods.

If you go to a Japanese website and willing to ship internationally, you save a lot of money.
Below is some calculation, but it totally explains why..

For examples,
(case 1) MSRP: 10,000 JPY  now is about 100 USD., but was 128.2 USD (100,000/78=128.2).
             you save 28 dollars !

(case 2) MSRP: 2,480,000 JPY, now is about 24,800 USD, but was 31795 USD (2.480,000/78)
              you save near 7000 dollars !!

Case 1 is for some high-quality toys or collectibles.

Case 2 is Toyota 86 "G" version's MSRP.

Since Japanese car distributors in U.S. can get better deals, they should give customers good deals too. Nissan gave some discount on certain models. Hope Scion too, especially FR-S.

Anyway, back to my point, if you want to save some money for Japanese toys, check Japanese website and make sure their MSRP is using "Yen".

Hope this helpful : )


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